
D ear women! Currently, the shop is exhibiting the handbags seen in the photos. If the today’s choice does not satisfy You, feel free to choose the desired handbag from the “Collections” catalogue. You just need to click on the picture inscription of the handbag You like, and in the new window You press the button “ORDER SIMILAR” . In the field “YOUR MESSAGE” . Or we may just discuss our ideas on the phone.
I wish to remind You that the principles of creativity of rasaroze will never allow to produce a copy or a duplicate of whichever handbag You can see in the photos. Is it not amazing that each Woman possesses THIS unique handbag which is to decorate the one and only heart – THE HEART OF HERS. Instead of copying the ‘faces’ of the already designed handbags I would suggest to go for similarities and opt for differing details.
R esidents of the City of Kaunas willing to order a handbag are kindly invited for a nice chat over a cup of coffee whereas women from other cities and towns are welcome to outline their wishes and preferences in the order formplease do not mind describing the shape, size, color, handbag lock, length of the handle(s)/strap(s) and the motif(s) of the picture (e.g. a flower or an animal, some abstraction, etc.). The term of the handbag creation is two weeks (in case of a very special order, it might take slightly more time). During the creative process, it is always a pleasure to maintain immediate contact with the client with occasional checking whether the musings of rasaroze concerning the image of the handbag (as it is the first part to be created) are on the right way from the point of view of the client.
I wish You bright creative odeas and lots of originality when bringing your dreams to reality... I hope You will let me help You.

Handbags currently on sale:

If You find a handbag You like, just click the inscription of photo of the handbag. Then, a window opens, and here press the “BUY” (PIRKTI) button. Fill in the data, share your wishes and desires… As soon as I receive your message, I will contact You on the phone or via email, and together we will discuss the further course of the order or the purchase.

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